2017科尔盖特大学文书题目 二则(中英文)解析与范文
At Colgate we strive to foster an inclusive community. Please discuss how your life experiences, family background, and/or culture has helped to shape you as a person. It would be especially helpful if you would also reflect on an experience which demonstrated your character and personal values. (250 words or fewer)
Psst! I have a confession to make. I have a shoe fetish. Everyone around me seems to underestimate the statement a simple pair of shoes can make. To me, though, the shoes I wear are not merely covering for the two feet on which I tread, but a reflection of who I am.iEssay100.com
An optional one-page resume or activity sheet may be added to your application for Colgate University.
Key社团不单单只是另一个社区服务机构,这是我高中的家。 Key社团让我很兴奋,因为它代表着一个宽容的组织----可以通过社区服务活动和募款活动带来积极变化的组织。
Key Club is not simply another community service organization, it is my high school family. Key Club spurs excitement within me as it represents a tolerant organization that brings positive change through community service events and fundraisers.