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大学四年 Get 了这些神技能!



Holding back unpleasant information


Yesterday you had a bad experience, but you didn't tell anyone about it. Your WeChat Moments only document the positive parts of your life. The same thing happens whenever you call home and speak to your parents, you wouldn't want them to worry about you after all!


Running faster than

you thought possible

没有什么比上课迟到更能让你意识到,必要时你跑得有多快!我们都有过这样的经历,在距离上课还有 10 分钟时从床上爬起来,5 秒钟穿好衣服,然后在校园里飞奔。通常你都能及时赶到,就是有点邋遢和喘不过气。下次你最好试着多设一个闹钟!

There's nothing quite like being late for class to make you realize how fast you can run when you need to! We've all been there, rolling out of bed with 10 minutes to spare, getting dressed in five seconds flat, then sprinting across campus. More often than not you'll make it, if a little disheveled and out of breath. Next time you'd better try setting an extra alarm!


Cramming a full semester

into one week


It's final exam week and you have a whole bunch of tests to study for, not to mention the barrage of term papers that you need to write.

经历了几个不眠之夜后,你终于把一切都搞定了。鬼知道你怎么能在几天时间里写完若干篇 20 页的论文,并且看完了若干本 1000 页厚的书。

After several sleepless nights, you finally manage to get it all finished. Who knew you had it in you to write several 20-page papers and review several 1000-page books in the span of a few days?


Making up excuses


You can't be bothered to go to class, but how can you skip and not get in trouble? There's only one thing for it, you'll have to come up with an excuse. You try your best to make it realistic and just hope the professor believes you.


Other times, you squint at the board and pretend you've forgotten your glasses. The professor won't call on you if you can't read any of the questions!


Overspending on things

you don't need


It's your first time managing your own finances, so of course you're going to mess it up. Never mind if the object of your desire costs half your monthly allowance, you can just live on instant noodles for the rest of the month! Or if worst comes to worst, there's always your parents to fall back on.



Mastering the art of saving space


Your dormitory might only have a few square meters of floor space, but it has to house you and your roommates, as well as all your belongings. You'll soon learn to maximize its potential by installing shelving units and under-bed storage, as well as implementing other space-saving ideas. Either that, or you'll just keep everything in a pile - we're sure you'll get used to the mess eventually!


Learning how to apply make-up


Going from high school to college is like undergoing a metamorphosis. Even the ugliest duckling can become a beautiful swan. Perhaps it's because you're older, and a little more mature. Or maybe it's just your newfound skills applying make-up.


Working together in a group


At high school it was easy to study alone and be single-minded in your pursuit of good grades in the college entrance examination. But after entering the college, you'll find group work is much more popular. Cooperation and communication are essential. Never be a black sheep!


Using social media

to its full potential


You've lost something, or need some information, like a teacher's phone number or a recommendation for a nice restaurant. How better to find what you seek than using social media? Just post your question, add a hashtag and someone's sure to try and help.


Learning to multitask


The further you advance through college, the fuller your to-do list becomes. Studying, internships, preparing for postgraduate entrance exams - It all piles up and you have to learn to deal with it, whether you like it or not!


After college, all of you must learn how to integrate into society. Without the shelter of our teachers and parents, you must handle all the challenges by yourselves, which makes college the perfect time to make mistakes and learn good habits. Use the time wisely, get to know yourself, and be the best version of you that you can be!
